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Dubaide Türk Okulları bulunmamaktadir. Ama yakin bir zaman icinde Turk universitesi kurulmasi planlanmaktadir. Bakiniz: Dubai Turk üniversitesi

BAE nin ozellikle Dubai nin cok uluslu yapisina paralel olarak, okullar farkli mufredatlarla yapilandirilmislardir. Genellikle, okullar ogrenciyi okula kabul etmeden giris testlerine tabi tutmaktadir. Okullar ise her egitim ve ogretim yilinda, Knowledge and Human Development Authority nin altinda yapilandirilmis Schools Inspection Bureau tarafindan teftis edilmektedir. Ilgili kurum ayrica, velilerden her egitim ve ogretim yilinda okullar hakkindaki ankete katilmalarini istemektedir.Bu yil ellibini askin velinin ankete katildigi aciklanmistir.Kurum, hem devlet hem ozel okul performanslarini ve egitim standartlarini  en kapsamli ve bagimsiz olarak hazirlayan tek kurulustur. Kurum ilgili donemin denetim raporunu mayis ayi itibariyla kamuya aciklamistir.Su anda ilgili web sayfasinda son iki egitim ve ogretim yilina ait derecelendirmeler bulunmaktadir. 


Dubai icin unutulmamasi gereken en onemli husus ,okullarda bekleme listelerinin olmasidir.Su donemdeki global krizin yarattigi, issizlige parallel olarak Dubai de her ne kadar nufus azalmis olsa bile,egitim kalitesi yuksek ,genel begeni gormus okullarda hala bekleme listeleri mevcuttur.Bunun anlami BAE ye yerlesme karari alindiginda,alinacak ikinci karar “cocuguma uygun” okul hangisi olmalidir. 

BAE deki okullarin uyguladiklari mufredat ve sectikleri egitim metodlarina gore, okullarin listesine ulasmak icin asagidaki linki ziyaret ediniz. 

BAE deki okullarin siniflandirilmasina iliskin, KHDA (Turkiye deki Milli Egitim Bakanligina denk kurulus) tarafindan yayinlanmis 2009-2010 egitim yilina iliskin bulten asagidadir:

Asagidaki bilgilerin hazirlanmasi ve sitemizde yayinlanmasina iliskin desteklerinden dolayi SEDA APAYDIN'a tesekkur ederiz.
















The English National Curriculum

Framework of the curriculum

The English National Curriculum is a framework used by all maintained schools and many independents schools in England to ensure teaching and learning are balanced and consistent. It sets out:

§          The subjects to be taught

§          The knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject

§          The standards or attainment targets in each subject

§          How to assess and report on a child’s progress.

The National Curriculum is organised into blocks of years called “key stages”

There are four key stages as well as a “Foundation Stage”, which covers education for children aged three to five, when education becomes compulsory in England.

Broad requirements

The national curriculum prescribes compulsory subjects at each key stage. At Key Stages 1 – 3 (ages 5 – 14) these include English, mathematics, science, design and technology, ICT, history, geography, a modern foreign language (currently at KS 3 and soon to be at KS 2), art and design, music, physical education and citizenship.


For each National Curriculum subject there is a programme of study at each key stage, which describes the subject knowledge, skills and understanding students are expected to develop. The programmes of study also map out a scale of attainment within the subject. In most subjects, attainment targets are expressed at 8 levels plus a description of “exceptional performance”.


At the end of Key Stages 2 and 3, students can be assessed for progress with the use of national tests in the core subjects: English, mathematics and science at Key Stage 2; English, mathematics, science and ICT at Key Stage 3. At the end of Key Stage 4, during which students study a mix of compulsory and optional subjects, most take examinations for a national qualification, usually GCSE or the international version known as IGCSE.

The United States system of education


Framework of the curriculum

In the US the age of entry to compulsory education varies according to the state between five and seven years, six being the most common, although pre-KG and nursery schools offer a range of programmes.  Most children begin elementary education with kindergarten and finish secondary education with twelfth grade.

Elementary school, also known as grade school, is usually takes children from KG through to fifth or sixth grade. Junior high school is any school intermediate between elementary and senior high school. It usually includes Grades 7 and 8 and sometimes Grade 6 or Grade 9. Secondary education covers Grades 7 – 12 but this does vary, depending on the laws and policies of individual states and local school districts.

Generally at high school level, students take a broad variety of classes without special emphasis in any particular subject. The following are typical minimum course sequences that one must take in order to obtain a high school diploma:

§          Science (usually 2 years minimum; normally, biology, chemistry, physics)

§          Mathematics (usually 2 years minimum, including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry)

§          English (usually 4 years minimum, including literature)

§          Social Science (usually 3 years; including history, US government and economics)

§          Physical education (at least one year)


A major characteristic of American schools is the high priority given to sports, clubs and activities by the community, the parents, the schools and the students themselves.

In all states and school districts the secondary school graduation level has been set as the completion of 12th grade, with the common name for the secondary graduation qualification as the High School Diploma.

Broad requirements

In the US the curriculum is not nationally standardised but determined by local government, either at state or school district level. In the US there are some expectations to be met such as the requirement that schools will give annual tests in reading and mathematics in Grades 3 – 8, but these requirements do not necessarily apply outside of the United States. The interpretation of US requirements outside of the US therefore falls to individual schools, each of which identifies its expectations and ensures its compliance with the local ministry requirements, as in Dubai.



In schools with a US curriculum children are continuously assessed throughout the year by their teachers and report cards are issued to parents at regular intervals. Letter grades are often used on report cards at the end of a marking period. Although grading scales differ from school to school, the most common grade scale is based on 0 -100 or a percentile.

During high school, students (usually in 11th Grade) take one or more standardised tests depending on their post secondary preferences and their local graduation requirements.

The International Baccalaureate

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation, motivated by its mission, which is focused on the student. “Through a comprehensive and balanced curriculum, coupled with challenging assessment, the IB aims to assist schools in their endeavours to develop the individual talents of young people and teach them to relate the experience of the classroom to the realities of the world outside”. (IB mission statement)

The International Baccalaureate now offers a sequence of three programmes or a continuum of education from ages 3 –19, designed to develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills of students to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.

To offer any part of this continuum of international education, schools must apply to the International Baccalaureate organisation to become an authorized school. The requirements for authorization are the same for all schools and the process is designed to ensure schools are well prepared to implement the programmes successfully. Schools introducing the IB are expected to comply with its curriculum requirements and to provide their teachers with appropriate professional development support.

Framework of the curriculum

The IB curriculum consists of three programmes, which can be offered separately by a school or as a continuum across the age range from 3 – 19. Common features form the basis of the three IB programmes:

§          The broad nature of study, including more than one language

§          A flexible curriculum model, enabling teachers to respond to local requirements and interests

§          Diverse and flexible pedagogical approaches


Each programme promotes the education of the whole person, emphasising intellectual, personal, emotional, and social growth through all domains of knowledge, involving the major traditions of learning in languages, humanities, sciences, mathematics and the arts.

Broad requirements

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) for students aged 3 – 12 years

It is designed to promote the total growth of the developing child – hearts as well as minds – encompassing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs as well as academic development. At the heart of the programme’s philosophy is a commitment to structured, purposeful inquiry as the leading vehicle for learning.

The curriculum framework consists of five essential elements: concepts, knowledge, skills, attitude and action.

The knowledge component is developed through inquiries into six trans disciplinary themes of global significance, supported and balanced by six subject areas.

The curriculum framework is further structured around three interrelated questions.

§          What do we want to learn?         The written curriculum

§          How best will we learn?               The taught curriculum

§          How will we know what we have learned?              The learned curriculum


The Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students aged 11 – 16 years

The MYP is designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills they need to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world. The MYP curriculum has eight academic areas or subject groups and a personal project. The curriculum framework is fluid and the subjects are taught through inter-related enquiries. The framework allows a school to include other subjects not determined by the IB but which state or national authorities might require. The overall philosophy of the programme is expressed through three fundamental concepts that support all areas of the curriculum:

Intercultural awareness

Holistic learning


The Diploma Programme (DYP)

The IB Diploma is designed as an academically challenging and balanced programme of education with final external examinations that prepare students normally aged 16 -19 for success at university and life beyond. The programme is usually taught over two years and has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities.

Students study six courses at higher or standard level. They must choose one subject from each of five groups, thereby ensuring breadth of experience in languages, social studies, the experimental sciences and mathematics. The sixth subject may be an arts subject chosen from Group 6 or another subject from Groups 1-5. At least 3 and not more than 4 subjects are taken at higher level (recommended 240 teaching hours), the others at standard level (150 teaching hours).

In addition the programme has three core requirements that are included to broaden the educational experience and challenge students to apply their knowledge and understanding:

§          The Extended Essay is a requirement for students to engage in independent research through an in depth study of a question related to one of the subjects they are studying.

§          Theory of Knowledge is a course designed to encourage each student to reflect on the nature of knowledge by critically examining different ways of knowing and different kinds of knowledge



Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri üniversitesi

Dubai üniversiteleri, Abu Dhabi universiteleri, Sharjah gibi emirliklerdeki tum universite (90 adet) bilgilerini asagida bulabilirsiniz. 

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Sayfa etiketleri: Birlesik Arap Emirlikleri Okul, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Okul, Egitim sistemi, Abu Dabi okul,  Dubai Türk Okulu, dubai üniversiteleri

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