Birlesik Arap Emirlikleri Is Kanunda, Isci ve Isveren  arasindaki iliskileri duzenleyen genel kurallar

Birlesik Arap Emirlikleri Is Kanunda, Isci ve Isveren arasindaki iliskileri duzenleyen genel kurallari asagida bulabilirsiniz.

Not: Bu bilgiler fikir amacli konulmustur, kanunlarin son halini  lutfen resmi makamlardan aliniz. (Free Zone yani serbest bolgelerde kurallar degisiklik gostermektedir, bilginize)

Employment Relationship According to the U.A.E. Federal Labor Law

General introduction

The scope of the law

   “ any agreement , whether for limited or an unlimited period concluded between an employer and an employee, whereby the latter undertakes to work in the employee’s services and under his management and control, in return for remuneration, the employer undertakes to pay;”

Particles of the Contract of Employment

Types of contracts of employments

Limited contracts


Unlimited contracts

1- it is not made in writing;

2- if it is concluded for an unlimited contracts

3- if it was concluded for a limited period and the parties continued to perform without written agreement

4- if the contract is to execute works and the contract continues after the completion of the works 

Probation period


1- Employee’s rights  

General rights

Women’s rights

Young person’s rights

2- Employees’ obligations

3- Employer’s rights

4- Employer’s obligations


Disciplinary Rules 

       1-   a warning

       2-   a fine

       3-   suspension from work with reduced pay for a period not exceeding 10 days

       4-   forfeiture or deferment of periodic increment

       5-   forfeiture of promotion

       6-   dismissal without prejudice to severance pay

        7-  dismissal with forfeiture of all or part of severance pay.

Accidents and compensations 

Termination of contract

Limited contracts

Unlimited contracts

   -  if the service is not less than 1 year and not less than 3 years, he shall be entitled to 1/3 of the severance pay

    -if the services exceeded 3 years but those not exceed 5 years, he shall be entitled to 2/3 of the severance pay.

    - if the service exceeds 5 years, he shall be entitled to the full severance pay